2013年10月4日 星期五

Festival- Halloween (BY Nicole)

The date of Halloween is 31 October. Halloween originated from United Kingdom. Initially Halloween was named Samhain. People believed that it was the time where the spirits and ghosts could come back to the physical world and the lived could meet the dead.

Later the festival of Samhain was renamed as Halloween and was commercialized by adding of different traditions like putting up customs, "trick or treat",visiting haunted attractions, etc.

Style of Halloween costumes diversify from place to place. However ideas of the costumes mainly come from horror things such as monsters, ghosts, skeletons, witches, and devils. People usually wear Halloween costumes and have party together. Examples of common party games are dunking or apple bobbing, walnut shells and fortune teller. There are other Activities like telling of ghost stories and viewing of horror films. 

Trick or treat is a tradition activity for children. They will put on customs and visit neighbors house asking "trick or treat?". The "trick" of  "trick or treat" means a"threat" to play tricks if no "treat" is given. Usually adult will prepare some sweets, snacks or a small gifts as "treat" for children.

Haunted attractions are entertainment venues designed to thrill and scare patrons. People especially teenagers like visiting haunted attractions as activity for Halloween.  

In UK people treat Halloween as an important traditional festival, they will celebrate it for about a week. Apart from the above traditions and activities they will also decorate their houses by putting up pumpkin lantern (which aims to threat the ghosts and spirits in the past but change to be as a kind of decoration now). They will make Halloween food like candy apples, soul cakes and pumpkin pies. While in Hong Kong, people treat Halloween as a "game day" rather than a festival due to commercial reasons. Theme park like Disney and Ocean Park set up haunted attractions. Lots of horror films will be screened too. Sometimes people will put on customs and held parties. However traditions like "trick or treat" and making traditional Halloween food are all missed in Hong Kong. 

Actually I think "trick or treat" is a funny and interesting tradition of Halloween. However because of the difference in culture, it's quite awkward to visit some unknown people asking " trick or treat". I really want to try once in UK if I have chance.笑臉 (黑與白)
BY Nicole

3 則留言:

  1. Hi Nicole. It is interesting to know more about Halloween in UK. Your article recall my memory that i havn't celebrated Halloween as a festival. In my secondary school, celebrating Halloween is not allowed because the religion of my secondary school is Christianity. Teachers are mostly Christian and they believe Halloween is something about evil. :P If we celebrate for it, Jesus would disappointed for us.

  2. Hello Nicole:) This article had reminded me Halloween is coming! In UK there may be many people will treat Halloween as a traditional festival, but I think in many place it is not usual to celebrate. Even in Hong Kong, may be many shopping mall will have some decorations especially for Halloween to attract customer, but it is also not popular for us to treat is as a festival. Actually, every year, I will go to theme park with friends in Halloween, I think it is like what you mentioned in the article, we just treat is as a ‘game day’ to have fun!

  3. Halloween does sound like fun! Unfortunately, it hasn't been a tradition in India. But having spent 2 years in Shanghai, China, a very cosmopolitan city, i've been exposed to halloween festivities, costumes, masks, lightings etc. Thanks for the informative article!
