2013年9月29日 星期日

中國景點 Tourist attraction in China (by Nicole)

萬里長城 The Great Wall of China

As one of the world's Seven Wonders, the Great Wall is now the top famous historical sites and tourist attractions in China. The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick as well as wood. 

The Great Wall of China was built in the "period of spring and autumn and warring states". Initially several small walls were built for defense purpose only. After Emperor Qin Shihuang unified the six states, he ordered the subordinates to connect the existing walls so as to make a long wall as defense against invasion. Thus the Great Wall of China was formed. The Great Wall was gradually built, repaired and reconstructed so as to make it much taller, bigger and longer. 

The defensive characteristics of the Great Wall were enhanced by the construction of watch towers, troop barracks, garrison stations, signaling capabilities through the means of smoke or fire. 

The length of The Great Wall of China is 21,196 km. It is said that The Great Wall of China can still be seen very clearly even in the space because of its huge size and long length. 

Due to the large amount of dead created due to the construction and wars, Chinese respect the Great Wall of China and treat the wall as a kind of symbol of Chinese traditional spirit-United and Sacrifice. 

The name of the Great Wall of China is also mentioned in the national anthem, March of the Volunteer. Followings are the lyrics:

Arise! All those who don't want to be slaves!
Let our flesh and blood forge our new Great Wall!

中國有句古語: 不到長城非好漢。這句話含有鼓勵和讚揚的意思,是指能不畏堅苦勞累,爬上長城者都是好漢
There is a saying  “Who never climbed the Great Wall cannot be deemed a Man” .It is an encouragement and praise that somebody is courageous and persistent if he can climb the Great Wall.

The Great Wall of China shows different culture and spirits of China, I really want to have a visit if I have a chance!

中國篇 – 中國傳統食品 Chinese Traditional Food

中國篇 中國傳統食品 Chinese Traditional Food

When Talking about the Chinese traditional food, the commonest and the most famous one should be Dim Sum. There are many kinds of Dim Sum.
For example, dumplings, Bun with pork are the well-known two. The foreign visitors travel China, they would like to go Chinese traditional restaurants to have their meals.

Actually, most of Chinese traditional food is made due to the festivals in China. For instance, we eat mooncakes at mid-autumn festival, and we would eat seeds when it is Chinese New Year. But different people hold their different opinions about the taste of food.

Also, there are local characteristics in some of food. Steaming is the brewing of Shang-Hai dishes. And the taste of Sichuan is mainly spicy etc.
They two have many supports.
With the faster developing in China, it is easier for us to make choice to opt our dishes. Some of Chinese restaurants purchase much more western food.

Although diners get more choices, the traditional food in China exists weakly and they are less-competitiveness. Take our habits at Mid-Autumn festival as an example, we sometimes buy mooncakes made by ice-cream and choose not to buy the tradition one.

I am convinced that it is a key issue about the existence of the traditional food. And we should pay attention on it.

中國篇  - 中華文化 Chinese Culture

Chinese culture is one of the oldest cultures in the world. It is dominant among a large geographical region in eastern Asia with customs varying between provinces and cities.

I am going to introduce one of the important components of Chinese culture, Confucianism.

The thinking of the Confucian school is an ethical system developed and promoted by a Chinese philosopher Confucius. It brought great influence on common ethical rules, literacy and values of the Chinese from Spring and Autumn Period til now. During the Han Dynasty, it became the official state ideology, which gradually turned into subconsciousness of the Chinese.

Humanism is at the core in Confucianism. The Chinese examines the world by using the logic of humanity which based on varying levels of honesty. In practice, the members of a society should practice the Five Constants, or the Wuchang, which are Ren, Yi, Li, Zhi and Xin. There are many other elements like Zhong, Xiao, Jie and Yi, which are the classical 'Sizi'. Among all elements, Ren, Humanism is fundamental.

Ren is one of the basic virtues promoted by Confucius. What he emphasizes is self-cultivation and morality, in which the core idea is benevolence and righteousness. There is also a golden rule: "Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you."  In other words, Chinese people focuses on harmonious relationships.

Under the Confucianism, the Chinese were taught to respect the elderly, and for instance, you can see 'Priority Seats' promoted by the KMB nowadays. There are other rules, such as 'be true to your own words with your friends' , 'be incorruptible if you're a ruler' and 'be loyal to your parents and relatives'.

This is why the Chinese expects politeness and morality in the society!

孔子 Confucius

By Candice Cheung

2013年9月28日 星期六

中國篇 - 重陽節 Chung Yeung Festival / Double Ninth Festival

Chung Yeung is coming!!!!!!! 

農曆九月初九是重陽節。這是一個很古老的節日,距今已有1,700多年歷史。在中國數字中,一、三、五、七、九為陽數:二、四、六、八則為陰數。因此 九月初九 被稱作重陽或重九。中國古代,重陽節是重要的節日,這一天要舉行各種活動,:登高、賞菊、插茱萸和吃重陽糕等。
Chung Yeung Festival  falls on the ninth day of lunar month and has a history of more than 1,700 years. Among Chinese numbers, one, three, five, seven and nine are positive number and two, four, six and eight are negative ones. Thus, the ninth day of the ninth lunar monthis called ‘Double-positive’ or ‘Double-nine’. The Double-nine Festival sees various activities such as climbing a mountain, admiring chrysanthemums, wearing cornel (Cornus officals) and eating Double-nine cake, etc.

As like As the majority of traditional festivals like, the Chung Yeung Festival also have an ancient legend.

Down in the Eastern Han Dynasty, a plague Ruhe devil, as long as it appeared, some people get sick every family, every day someone died, that the people who suffer with the disease ravaged by demons.

A plague killing of the young Fuller's parents, his illness has killed almost lives. When fully recovered, he said goodbye a beloved wife and his people, determined to visit Xian Conservatory out, the people get rid of the plague demons. Fuller four division Seeking visit, visited every Goldsmith around the mountains, and finally asked to be one in the east of the oldest mountain, mountains have an almighty cent long, and Fuller all else a distant journey, under the guidance of the red-crowned cranes, finally found a rea​​lly tall mountains, which have found a miraculous powers of the immortals long, long cents for his spirit moved. finally accept the constant King, and he taught Spirit swordplay, he also donated a Spirit sword. Fuller clock drilling, and finally out of a training extraordinary boy.

Put the angel long Fuller was called the Frontier, said : "Tomorrow is September 9th, the god of evil also has to do evil. you have skills studies, we should go back to the people from harm. " Sin Cheung gave Fuller a packet Cantleye leaves, chrysanthemums things without actually buying liquor, and protect them from evil secret delegated usage, Fuller rode a red-crowned cranes rushing home.

Fuller returned to his hometown, September 9th in the morning, according to Sin long urged folks get put in the vicinity of a mountain. Cantleye to each one leaves things without actually buying chrysanthemum wine, well overcome preparation. Around midday, as against the sharp , blast out Ruhe devil, but the devil blast just Pudao Hill, Wen sudden bursts of Cantleye Qi Hong and chrysanthemum alcohol, stop screeching halt, faces mutation, Then Fuller holding Lock sword down to recover, several rounds of the devil put to death Wen Jian, From then on September 9th assume avoid the outbreak of customs handed down year after year. Liang Wu is in his "Qi added harmonic mind," a book of those records.

Later, people will bring in the custom Festival assume a disaster is seen as a refuge activities. In addition, the Central Plains of traditional values​​, or double nine lives a long, healthy longevity mean, Therefore, later Festival will be established as a festival for the elderly. 

Two weeks later will be Chung Yeung Festival again! Although, it is a day for Chinese to commemorate their ancestors traditionally, but for me, this festival is just providing one day more for holiday with no celebration, since my family usually won't choose this day to commemorate our ancestors. Therefore, I will choose to go hiking with my family on this coming Chung Yeung Festival haha^_^

By. Dorothy

2013年9月24日 星期二

Analysis on news on its bilingual features

乌拉圭男子被困安第斯山四月 吃鼠求生终获救
Uruguayan man survives freezing four-month Andes ordeal

[ 2013-09-10 09:56]

Mr Gomez Circunegui was found by Argentine officials and taken to hospital in San Juan

A Uruguayan man who went missing in May while trying to cross the Andes mountains from Chile to Argentina has been found alive, officials say.
Raul Fernando Gomez Circunegui, 58, got lost in snowstorms after his motorbike broke down.
He was found in a mountain shelter at an altitude of more than 2,800m (9,300ft) by Argentine officials.
Mr Gomez survived by eating leftover supplies in the shelter and whatever else he could catch, including rats.
He has been taken to hospital in an emaciated and dehydrated state, but is expected to make a full recovery.
Argentine officials from the north-western province of San Juan stumbled across Mr Gomez after arriving in the area near the shelter by helicopter to record snow levels.
An enfeebled Mr Gomez was able to open the shelter's door and alert the crew to his presence.
"The truth is that this is a miracle. We still can't believe it," San Juan Governor Jose Luis Gioja told the local Diario de Cuyo newspaper.
"We let him talk to his wife, his mother and his daughter... I asked him: 'Are you a believer?' He told me, 'no, but now I am.'"
He is reported to have lost 20kg (44lb) during the ordeal and is dehydrated, according to media reports.
A doctor who examined him was surprised by his resilience, according to Uruguayan newspaper El Pais.
"He's a patient with high blood pressure, a history of smoking and signs of undernourishment," the doctor was quoted as saying. "But he's going to be fine and in a few days we're going to discharge him."
Members of a Uruguayan rugby team famously survived sub-zero Andean temperatures for 72 days in 1972 by eating the bodies of other plane crash victims.
They were travelling from Montevideo to Santiago to play against against a local team when their plane crashed.
Sixteen of the 45 passengers survived.
They were located after two passengers took a chance and left on a 10-day trek. They were spotted by a farmer who alerted the emergency services.
Concepts applied:
1.      Media/ Title:
-different focus on the titles

乌拉圭男子被困安第斯山四月 吃鼠求生终获救
Uruguayan man survives freezing four-month Andes ordeal

-English one focuses on “Survives freezing four-month”
-Chinese seems to have one more focus “吃鼠eating rat”
2.      Transliteration
A Uruguayan man乌拉圭男子, Andes mountains 安第斯山
3.      Creative manipulation of linguistic resources
E.g. Mr Gomez survived by eating leftover supplies in the shelter and whatever else he could catch, including rats 接下来的日子里,戈麦斯依靠可以吃的一切东西活了下来,糖、葡萄干,饥不择食的他甚至吃下了老鼠。
eating leftover supplies/whatever else he could catch->饥不择食
4.      Ethnic minority media/ niche media
-Names of some media didn’t show in the Chinese version
San Juan Governor Jose Luis Gioja told the local Diario de Cuyo newspaper. 当地媒体
according to Uruguayan newspaper El Pais. 据当地媒体报道
5.      Editing and staging, mediated communication
-Editing the content of the passage
e.g.The last two paragraphs in the English passage had not been translated into Chinese.
6.      Re-contextualization
-Changing the structure of the passage
e.g. Order of several paragraphs was changed in the Chinese version.

7.      Commodified and resistance bilingualism
-the first paragraph of the two passages show difference
-the English one only show several details like who, when, what, where
-the first paragraph of Chinese newspaper shows a summary or some key points of the news.
-different in writing style/ different culture 

-BY Nicole 

2013年9月6日 星期五

Useful bilingual websites:

Chinadaily 中國日報網


The Liberty Times 自由時報


The above websites share latest news in both Chinese and English.


Cuyoo 酷悠


The China Post 英文中國郵報

Here're the websites sharing bilingual news, writings and novels, etc.
